Does anyone remember a 2016ish game called Tharsis? And know if Citizen Sleeper is an homage? Spiritual successor? Has shared devs/roots?
Cannot wait to see how Vision Pro eye tracking works after my 2nd old fashioned. Or how the Apple Store associates will politely suggest that maybe it’s time for me to leave and they’re closing soon.
Thoughts on the God Goggles: Pretty much an engineering marvel. They weren’t blowing smoke when they said the most sophisticated consumer device ever. And Apple figured out a ton beautiful solutions to big and subtle problems. 3D movies might (ironically?) be the killer app. But not a $3k use case.
Why name it “Generative Fill” when “Doctor Fill” is just sitting there!
Man. I hate Live and am still enthralled by the engineering and posibilities of a Push 3 platform.
📺 Mrs. Davis (2023) - ★★★★★
This entire show starts out as an impossibly ambitious absurdist exercise and doubled-down every episode. So I had to wait to see if it stuck the landing before raving about it. And it nailed it. 100% satisfied customer.
C++ having both pointers and references is such a belt-and-suspenders kind of solution.
Those happy that Tucker and Fox have parted ways… hold that applause until it’s clear he’s not announcing for the 2024 race.
I’ve been looking everywhere for a “C++ for C++ Developers” style book or post or something. This comes pretty close: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp…
My Bandcamp Friday picks!
- Yavanna (https://radagasttenderofbeasts.bandcamp.com/album/yavanna)
- EVEN MORE D4TA (https://moderat.bandcamp.com/album/even-more-d4ta)
- Dignal Drive (https://moybassmusic.bandcamp.com/album/signal-drive)
- The whole Theo Stomp discography (https://stomptheo.bandcamp.com)
Does anyone else’s brain do this always?
Yup, yup, yup!
My Bandcamp Friday picks:
Not gonna to lie; Johnny Mnemonic in black and white is shockingly good.
Let’s look at the bull case for AI-generated content. It is excellent and everybody loves it. The internet is flooded with it. In fact, because its so much cheaper and quicker to produce than human content (and can be automated) we should expect AI-generated content to dwarf human made content on the internet. And everyone is happy because, again, they can’t get enough of it.
But the internet is where AI are trained…
We know the first one was a balloon, but the rest are probably improperly stored classified documents.
Happy #BandcampFriday! My picks this month:
It turns out everything beyond EGA is a waste.
TIL Kevin Nealon posed for the vizier in the original Prince of Persia box art!
The game is still amazing, by the way. If you haven’t played in a while, or gasp ever?! OMG get it!
I’m writing regularly again after a few years’ break, and the thing that excites me the most is having a reason to use Ulysses again. Such a great program! And with almost a decade of updates and features under its belt, it’s still great!
🎮 Chained Echoes (2022) - ★★★★★
Okay, I already posted about this, but wanted an excuse to give Lantern a shot.
I really wasn’t expecting “Chained Echoes” to deliver any sort of ending greater than “You defeated Big Bad.” But boy did it! Just a wonderful game, top-to-bottom. ★★★★★
Feels like every search I make to answer a question (rather than find a thing) leads me to 2 screens worth of algorithmically generated pages formulated to convince Google they’re authoritative without actually answering anything.
“Commodify content,” they said. “Devalue the very thing we vend!”
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