• Just a reminder the CPTPP comes online tomorrow and everyone’s playing except the US. But hey, at least we’re still borrowing money from them to pay for tax cuts and bailouts for trade war refugees.

  • “It’s a disgrace what’s happening in our country,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “But other than that, I wish everybody a very Merry Christmas,” is a thing I had to google repeatedly to convince myself wasn’t an Onion headline.

  • I fed all of Trump’s tweets into a machine learning algorithm and generated– Oh, nevermind. He actually just tweeted this for real. twitter.com/realDonal…

  • Can any logicians out there let me know what I need to read to understand an expression like 𝑠⟦𝐴⟧𝑡 ≜ 𝐴(∀‘𝑣’ : 𝑠⟦𝑣⟧/𝑣,𝑡⟦𝑣⟧/𝑣’)

    Lamport assures me “All TLA formulas can be expressed in terms of familiar mathematical operators,” but… like… help?

  • Remember when Apple heavily promoted the 5, 5🅂, and 5🄲 in an effort to move people off legacy 3:2 devices to the new 16:9 screen ratio? Could that just be a thing they do when introducing new ratios like the 20:9 of the X, X🅂, and X🅁?

    Nah, probably poor sales.

  • First time using Swift 4 key paths. It passed the first test; I didn’t go blind.

  • The first thing they teach lifeguards is drowning people will fight you. No one will ever throw a parade for progressives. Even (especially) if the status quo is drowning.

  • Why worry about killer-AI? The dumb software we have now is more than capable of destroying us.

  • Here’s the thing, though; Spider-Man is a menace.

  • We’re excited.

  • If Netflix pops up that little “Skip Intro” button even once during Cruel Angel Thesis, it’s all over between us.

  • Who could have seen brexit would be such a disaster apart from absolutely everyone who wasn’t just making shit up?

  • There are many checks on a politician who seeks to be king, but almost none an an electorate seeking to crown one. This is the job education has ceded to cable news.

  • I asked the master, “How will they win?” and he answered, “By pretending to care for what you care for.”

    I asked, “For how long might they win?” and he replied, “Always once more.”

  • National. Treasure. www.instagram.com/p/Bp0Y3C6…

  • I found my next tattoo:

  • I couldn’t figure out how to change my google account password. Turns out you have to click through:

    Google Account -> Sign-in & Security -> Signing in to Google, then CLICK THE DATE YOUR PASSWORD WAS LAST CHANGED.

    Not making this up.

  • I’ll never stop buying this game. www.polygon.com/2018/11/1…

  • This is a good list. Here’s hoping Googlers get it and others follow suit. twitter.com/GoogleWal…

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